Gay Times raise the bar on Male Cancer Awareness

Last \December the Gay Times launched one of two issues of their brilliant magazines dedicated to our charity and by asking celebrities to pose nude to raise awareness for the work we do and male cancer. Also they enabled their readers to download a screen saver version of the pictures by texting their favourites name to our text donation line and doing so made a donation.

We thank them an you for your support. Here’s some of the brilliant celebrities that were brave enough to take part.


#RealityCheck throughout April

During April  (Testicular cancer awareness month) we were working hard to push  awareness of the dangers of Testicular cancer in men and boys with our #RealityCheck campaign . With the help of many TV reality stars we managed to get into several magazines, more online publications and a brilliant Twitter and Facebook campaigns getting the message to many more people.

Behind the scenes we were aided by the fantastic Tom O’Connell (former Big Brother contestant)

This particular post by Spencer Mattthews & Lauren Hutton got us mentioned by OK magazine as they thought the comment by Lauren was “distasteful” we certainly don’t agree with that, partners are the ones that often find changes in their partners bodies.

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We got our good friend Harry Derbidge interviews discussing the findings of our survey that more men are concerned about their tan, hair and teeth before their testicles.

We had stars like Carl Foggerty,Ricky Rayment, Nicholas McDonald, Stuart Hosking, Harry Derbidge, Kris  Skinner,Sam Thompson, Shayne Ward, Brian Dowling & Mark Bryon


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Jayne’s Welcome Break

As part of our #MakingMemories campaign we have a luxury holiday home on the Haven Holiday park in Burnham-on-sea for cancer fighters.

Jayne is the first of this seasons fighters who have taken advantage of the break to take her family on a much needed break as part of cancer recovery.

Jayne tells us the whole family had a brilliant time and we hope goes someway to putting Jayne on the road to recovery.

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Tony gets his Dream Day

As part of our #MakingMemories campaign we arranged for Tony to have the day of his dreams and forfil his #Bucketlist wish of visiting his favourite formula 1 racing team Williams.

Tony has been fighting cancer for some time and is currently receiving radiotherapy. Tony’s fiance Sue told us “it was one of the happiest days of his life”

This is what the #MakingMemories campaign is all about.

Here’s a few photo’s of the day.

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Masato Jones Bank Holiday Fundraiser

The fabulous designer Masato Jones are holding a May bank holiday fundraising weekend for us. For every full price tee shirt bought over the weekend they will very kindly donate £5 to our campaign.

Please help them, help us, help you. Thank you

Please click here to get involved today!!

BTC Football kits

Balls to Cancer have teamed up with the brilliant  to bring you new football kits with shirts. shorts, socks, shirt number and sponsors name for the fantastic price of £27 + VAT. EV2 Sportswear have very kindly offered to donate £1 per kit to the charity but more importantly for us, they will print the Balls to cancer logo on every shirt to help you help us promote the charity and the importance to check for cancer.

So please visit the website design your kit and email your enquiry/order to and a copy to

Show your supporters, friends & family the importance of male cancer awareness

Join us for #BlueFriday

As part of testicular cancer awareness month we are asking you our supporters to join us on #BlueFriday on Friday the 10th of June.

All we are asking you to do is wear something blue and donate £1 to our charity by simply texting Ball08 £1 to 70070 or via out donate page

Also please tweet us your pictures with the hashtag #BlueFriday

Please help us to get your office, school or workplace involved and raise as much money as you can.

You can also purchase our #BlueFriday badge for £2 here

bluefriday 2016

#MakingMemories for Beautiful Evan

Thanks to your fantastic support, we will be sending the brilliantly brave Evan to our Holiday home. We are very pleased to be able to help Evan and his family to have some great #MakingMemories time together.

Below we have included some more information about Evan’s illness and his fight so far from his mother Danielle ….

“This is my beautiful boy Evan Robinson ️his spent most of his life in Birmingham children’s hospital and was diagnosed last September with a grade 4 at/rt brain tumour aggressive cancer.

Our world fell apart that Sunday but we fought on with ️chemotherapy lumbers and 9 rounds of that horrid ️chemo trips to ICU. There were good days  and bad days mainly bad. Evan was so poorly through it all. We finally stabilised in April and  got home April 16th of this year. We’ve done 10 months straight in hospital then in May just a month later we had our monthly MRI and no one could prepare us. We relapsed big time my smiley Evans cancer has spread and is now everywhere in Evans head, new tumours and they are growing fast. Our consultant is really sorry that ️this has happened but there is no more treatment.  We tried one  and it has failed.  Evans becoming really poorly now due to ️his fast growing tumours we really don’t ️no how long we have with our baby boy. This is parents worse nightmare to watch helplessly and not being able to do anything to save our beautiful boy.

Please help us give Evan a great holiday and also help us give more holidays to more children and families fighting cancer.

If you would like to make a donation in Evans Name to help more children like him have a great holiday please donate here

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Be an extra in a film and help Balls to Cancer at the same time.

Football Kingdom is a satirical drama about the plight of a young well-meaning footballer trying to come to terms with the power struggles so prevalent at the top tier of the modern-day football world. In classic twists and turns – Shakespeare meets the suspense of a see-saw football match – the story takes us on a journey through one man’s passionate quest to not only win, but win with integrity.

The production team of Football Kingdom are currently running an Indigogo campaign that gives Balls to Cancer supporters the opportunity to be involved the making of the film. There are various ways that you can get involved:

  • Ever wanted to be a film Extra? Participate in the crowd as a supporter of the team and you can walk away with a souvenir Kingdom FC shirt from the game day filming
  • Can you play? If you know how to kick a ball around, grab the chance to get on the pitch and play a game in the name of film and charity. In fact, why not get your own team to rally and come and play as a full team. You will even get a credit as an actor!
  • Are you in a Band? Get your audition in and you may see yourself in a film playing in your band. What better way to gain exposure!
  • Want to wear the jewelry of a WAG? Then get your hands on an exclusive piece from the French designer SoShine. Available in the UK exclusively only through this campaign.

Get involved at

What a great opportunity to have some fun while raising some money for Balls to Cancer!

Want more details contact the team at

Susan Bates is awarded for her work

We are very pleased to announce that today co-founder of our charity Susan Bates who started the charity with Husband Mark back in 2011 is being honoured for her work for the charity in the House of Lords today. She will be presented with a British Citizen award

Susan has worked tirelessly to make the charity what it is today and is the brainchild behind the Making Memories Free Holidays and the Super Hero Chemo boxes. She spends hours on end day after day helping raise awareness for male cancer and helping cancer fighters and their families with anything they need.

We are so pleased that all her hard work has been recognised and she is being awarded for work she puts in.

You can contact Susan via her email or on 07976-247665