SmokeFree Sunday

Please if you are a smoker or know a loved one that is a smoker get them to join us in Smoke Free Sunday, we are asking everyone to take that first step in the right direction by giving up smoking for just one day a week.

We chose Sunday as it is a family day and hopefully smokers can occupy themselves with your children or grandchildren. Go out for the day, go for a walk, go for a meal with family or friends.

We hope that with this weekly massive step will enable you to take the next step to two, three, four days….

1 in 2 smokers will die from cancer, smokers are cutting up to 10 years off their lives.

If you would like to make a donation to this campaign text STOP04 £4 to 70070

Thank you! Please join us!

I was a smoker I know how difficult it is to break the habit. We can support you if you need our help

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